Wednesday 18 January 2017

Tomato Chutney- Version 2 /Thakkali Chutney/ Tomato Pachadi

We are entering the 3rd week of Blogging Marathon #72 and for this week I chose Dip,Sauce and Spread as theme.

For day1,its a finger licking tomato chutney with coconut and mint.This chutney recipe has been lying in my draft since summer.Last Summer I had lot of home grown tomatoes and relished so many tomato based dishes.

I had this chutney in a friend's place and she paired it with urad dhal vadas.It was so delicious with a perfect  taste.She shared the recipe and made it the next day itself and clicked.The chutney pairs very well with idly,dosa,vada and even can be mixed with rice along with a dash of ghee.Try this yummy and finger licking chutney.

                         Tomato ChutneyThakkali Chutney- Version 2

   Basic Information

   Preparation time 10 minutes
   Cooking time 10 -15minutes
   Serves 4(generously)


Tomato(chopped roughly)
6-7 (medium size)
Mint leaves/pudina
1/2 cup(tightly packed)
Green chilly/pachamilagai
4-5 tbs
Red chilly/varamilagai
Sesame seed/yellu
1 tbs
Coriander seeds/dhaniya
 1 tbs
3- cloves
1 tsp or to taste
2 tbs

 For Tempering

Mustard seeds/kadugu
1/2 tsp
Urad dhal/ulutham paruppu
1/2 tsp
a pinch
Curry leaves/karivepillai
few leaves
  • Heat around a tbs of oil in a pan,to this add the green chilly,red chilly,sesame seeds and coriander seeds,fry it for 2 minutes.Add in the mint leaves and garlic,saute it till the leaves change its color.Add in the chopped tomato..
  • Cook it until mushy,add in salt.Put off the flame,let it cool down. After cooling,take the mixture in a blender jar. Grind it to a coarse paste.
  •  Now add in the grated coconut and grind it well.Transfer the ground paste to a bowl.Heat the rest of the oil in a small pan and do the tempering with the given ingredients and add it to the ground chutney.
  • Serve it with idly or dosa

  • The amount chillies given here is for a bit spicier version.It can be altered according to personal preference. .
  • This chutney stays good for 2-3 days if it is stored in the refrigerator.
  • Here I didn't use any tamarind as the tomatoes were sour enough.If needed add it along with the tomatoes.
  • Coriander leaves can also be added along with mint leaves.
  • Also a tbs of peanuts can be added along with sesame seeds.


its a finger licking tomato chutney with coconut and mint Tomato Chutney- Version 2 /Thakkali Chutney/ Tomato Pachadi

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM#72


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