Monday 5 September 2016

Cone Dosa and Ghee Roast

We are entering the second week in Food Cranival mega Blogging Marathon edition.As I already metioned in my themes,this week is going be fermented dosa varieties.
For this day,I am sharing the ever popular plain dosa shaped into a cone and ghee roast.
As my kids love to have dosa and idly I make the batter often and store it in the refrigerator.I usually make dosa with one day older idly batter and it comes out super crispy and delicious.But sometimes I grind it separately for dosa when I have parties and follow the given measurements.
With this batter I will share the variations in the following themes.
The photos for the final picture and the step wise are taken in different days as clicking the dosa pictures are real big task for me.Off to the recipe....................

                                                Cone Dosa and Ghee roast Dosa

   Basic Information

   Preparation time 35- 40minutes
   Soaking time 3-4 hours
   Fermentation time 8-10 hours
   Cooking time 2-3 minutes/dosa
   Makes 12-14 dosas


Idly rice or pulungal arisi
2 cups
Raw rice/pacharisi
1/2 cup
Urad dhal/uluthamparuppu
1/2 cup
Rice flakes/aval
2 tbs
Fenugreek seeds/vendhayam
1 tsp
2.5 tsp
as needed
to cook dosa
Water to adjust the
consistency of batter


  • Soak  both rice and rice flakes together for 3-4 hours.Soak the urad dhal separately along with fenugreek seeds. Drain the water completely in both rice and urad dhal.Now grind the urad dhal separetly in a blender or wet grinder till its fluffy and fine paste.Transfer it to a bowl.Then grind the rice to a fine paste with water as needed.
  • Now mix both the ground  rice and urad dhal well with hand along with the salt.Keep it in a warm place for 8-10 hours or overnight for fermentation
  • Next day or after the fermetation mix the batter well and take the required amount of batter to make dosa.Adjust the consistency with water.
  • Heat a griddle and one it becomes hot ,add a drop of oil and wipe it off with a paper and keep the flame in medium.Pour a ladleful of batter and spread it into a circle as thin as possible.
  • Drizzle a generous spoon of ghee and cook it in a medium flame.Once the dosa gets cooked keep ii in a high flame for 30 seconds to get crisp and brown.
  • Now loosen the edges with the spatula,fold it and remove from the pan.
  • To make the cone dosa after the dosa gets crisp and golden,with the help of spatula mark a line in the circle from the center to one end as shown.
  • Fold it from one side and roll it to a cone.
  •  Serve it  with  coconut and spicy chutney,sambar.  

  • The batter consistency is very important to get a nice dosa.If you are sure with consistency then do a trial dosa and adjust it.
  • While pouring the batter on the griddle,the flame should in medium.Then only it will be easy to spread as thin as possible.
  • Use a flat base ladle to spread the dosa.
  • A perfect fermented batter is the key to get a nice golden crispy dosa.Also the addition of fenugreek seeds also.
  • I always keep my batter in the lighted oven overnight to get fermented properly.
  • In winter,I keep the batter in the oven for extra 2-3 hours for the fermentation.
  • While making dosa if you feel the griddle is so hot then sprinkle some water to get it cool down.
  • I use iron pan to make dosa,if the dosa sticks and not coming properly then slice an onion and rub it on the dosa pan with few drops of oil.This step can be followed for each time after removing the dosa from the pan.


Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 68


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