Friday 2 September 2016

Karivepillai Dosai / Curryleaves Dosa

Coming to day 2 themed under colorful dosa is a pale green colored dosa made with curry leaves.Back in India my mom used to make a dosa with ballon vine(mudaikatahn keerai).Some times curry leaves can also be added along with it.Since I don't get ballon vine here,made it only with curry leaves.
The dosa came out so well with the flavor of curry leaves and cumin,pepper.This dosa tastes good when it is straight from the pan.It turns slightly hard when its cool down.So I personally prefer to have it when its is warm.Both coconut chutney and spicy chutney goes well with this dosa.Off to the recipe.................

                                    Karivepillai Dosai/Curry leaves Dosa

   Basic Information

   Preparation time 20 minutes
   Soaking time 2-3 hours
   Cooking time 15-20 minutes
   Makes 8 dosas


Idly rice or pulungal arisi
1 cup
Raw rice/pacharisi
1/4 cup
3/4 cup
Red chilly/varamilagai
blueberry size
Cumin seeds
1 tsp
Black pepper/milagu1 tsp
Turmeric powder/manjal podi
a pinch
1.25 tsp or to taste
as needed
as needed


  • Soak  both rice together for 2-3 hours.After its soaked drain the water completely  and  grind  to a fine paste with water as needed.Now grind the curry leaves,salt,red chilly,tamarind into a fine paste with water.
  • Mix both ground rice and curry leaves paste well .Meanwhile coarsely grind the cumin and pepper,add it to the batter.
  • Adjust the consistency of the batter with water.The batter should in rava dosa consistency.Heat a griddle and one it becomes hot pour a ladleful of batter in a circular motion from outside to inside.Fill in the gaps with the batter.

  • Drizzle a tsp of oil and cook it in a medium flame.After a minute or two,flip the dosa to the other side and cook .Drizzle one more tsp of oil if needed.Remove it from the pan.
  •  Serve it  with  coconut and spicy chutney  

  • The batter consistency is very important to get a nice dosa.If you are sure with consistency then do a trial dosa and adjust it.
  • Flip the dosa and cook it for a minute even if its cooked.
  • While pouring the batter on the griddle,the flame should in high,then keep it in a medium to cook evenly.


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